Self-Payment Rates For Pension


Self-payments allow you to increase the amount of pension you earned during the Plan Year. The hourly rate for self-payments is determined each year by the actuary. The resulting combined contributions, including any self-payment contributions, shall not exceed $19,800 in any given Plan Year.

You are eligible to make a self-payment if you:

  • Have at least 5 Plan Years,

  • Earned some pension in the Plan Year, and

  • Were a Member of the Union (1325, 2103, 2010, 1598, 527, 1370, 1907, 1541 or 2499) or employed by a Participating Employer on December 31 of the Plan Year for which the self-payment is being made.

You cannot make a self-payment in the year in which you retire or after you retire. Self-payments for a Plan Year can only be made during a designated time in May and/or June. The designated period will be communicated each year on the Annual Benefit Statement. If there are any questions regarding self-payments, members can contact the Plan Office.